88. Valdosta News Media deaf, dumb, and blind Process, Public Right To Know!

This is the Land of the Free and The Home of the Braves. Now thank God for all our freedoms. We fought and died to secure. Now we must be willing to fight, suffer, and die to keep them alive in the 21st Century. Don't give UP!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Valdosta Council Meeting "A WHITEOUT"

December 17, 2009

For years the citizens of Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia, has not been properly informed on news worthy events in our METRO CITY of 48,000 American Citizens. We have practically given up on local TELEVISION, NEWS PAPER, and RADIO stations keeping us informed.

Therefore this BLOG was created to keep citizens informed on issues that others apparently does not want published. Therefore please, continue visiting this blog, as we seek to keep all citizens informed and not just as select few. We remain respectively free American Citizens until we give up and quit. God Bless America and everybody else.

Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Georgia Public Meetings, Not So Public Anymore!

#100-11-2009, Omissions by local press: Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on November 4, 2009, at 5:30 PM.

BY: (George Boston Rhynes)

SUBJECT: Respecting Members of Our Armed Forces by Elected Officials NOT being in company in RADIO Stations that call the President a CLOWN among other things…..

Mr. Mayor and Council!

My name is George Boston Rhynes. My address is (Address Given), Valdosta, Georgia. At the last Monthly Meeting, I spoke concerning some of our Elected Officials being in the COMPANY of certain people on RADIO stations. Wherein the EXECUTIVE COMANDER-IN-CHIEF of our ARMED FORCS, is repeatedly referred to as a CLOWN, and where the word RACISTS, is used quite frequently.

I said the, and NOW! That criticizing the Executive Commander In-Chief of our Troops, stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan along with Squadron, Base, and Wing Commander at MOODY AIR FORCE BASE Georgia was not good for our city.” But when we repeatedly see, and hear. That our elected officials are ”IN THE COMPANY”, with people who carry this on. Then this is NOT good, and that COMMANDERS probably already--- have a hard enough job keeping unity and morale up in their squadron.

Then the day following last months meeting the Valdosta Daily Times reported that; “citizen (George Boston Rhynes) says elected officials INSULTING president on radio.” The Article is By Johanna Pinholster.

Then earlier that morning, I recorded on, a local Radio Host---with the Mayor as his guest. The Mayor used the opportunity ---to interpret my comments as POLITICAL POSTURING and for ME (George) to accuse ONE or TWO ELECTED OFFICIALS---may have been as the Mayor put it----“RACIALLY MOTIVATED.” He also said among other things, ---that I attend every City Council Meeting. Now let the record on that speak for itself.

LASTLY: I have a TRANSCRIPT that I am going to leave with you today of last Months Meeting. And I want to do that because I think it is in the best interest of my credibility, my character and who I am. And what represent and who I spoke on behalf of, and that was our military people (I am a retired military veteran) and the President of the United States which those men and women. Which I have said before put their lives on the line and a lot of them at Moody are listening---to what we say.

And I never said any council member or any elected official, any elected said anything---that was insulting to the President. But I said it then; as I say NOW, being IN THE COMPANY of those who call our EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of our military Armed Forces a, CLOWN etc. This is not in the best image of our city, and Moody Air Force Base, Wing Commander.

And I will give you a TRANSCRIPT of that meeting from last month, as well as well as what I said tonight. So we can get the record straight. I thank you!

RESPONSE FROM MAYOR: Thank you sir!,

#100-11-2009 Omissions by local press:

SUBJECT: Citizens to be heard: Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on November 4, 2009, at 5:30 PM.

BY: (Mr. John Robinson during Citizens to be heard), Mr. Mayor and Council!

SUBJECT: Small Emerging Businesses!

My name is John Robinson. I live at: ADDRESS NOT POSTED HERE: My concern is about the Small Emerging Businesses. That Ah, I believe is the sector here and on this sector is: what guarantees does Disadvantaged Minority Businesses have pertaining to a fair share of getting projects from Lowndes County or the City. Which, there has not been any fairness---as far as my points of view---at all in this city, or from this city. Ah, what guarantees do we have, and we need to find out something pertaining to the disparity study?

I spoke to Miss Avery over in Jacksonville. And I was CERTIFIED Disadvantaged Minority Business out of Jacksonville Florida with the program that you are using as a model. And that you are using to disparity test--that you are giving us, is ten (10) years old. And it doesn’t give us any guarantees of any kind. Ah, we are participating, and active citizens in business, as well as anyone else here. And we are expecting, to be participants in the rolls as far as, the bid process, the set side process, instead of those things that’s normal events---where certain people are excluded.

I know it might sound like some people may say, it may be---race issues, or whatever the case may be. But history have always revealed, and unfolded itself, as an on going cycle of things of events, and times, and events, as far as fairness, and unfairness due to the circumstances. That has been presented itself over the historical past----of this city, and in a lot of more cities--in the south.

We need some guarantees, because we have less ownership than anyone here. And we have a percentage, as far as being fifty-five (55) percent, as the citizens in this city. And---we want part of it. We want some fairness of it, and we want to--- know something about the DISPARITY. Thank you!

Response from Mayor John Fretti: “Thank you Sir! (From John Robinson)

#100-11-2009 Omissions by local Press: , November 8, 2009,

TO: Valdosta City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, Citizens, Internet, and Beyond,

SUBJECT: Citizen Ignored by Local Press

On November 4, 2009 another Valdosta City Council Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 5:30pm. However ONCE AGAIN, the general public was left deaf, dumb, and blind concerning information addressed to the City Council from a Georgia Citizen. This has become a routine practice and citizens should be outraged.

The day before the meeting fifty-five citizens and business owners gathered and expressed their concerns about not getting their fair share of contracts from local governments. Therefore Mr. John Roberson’s presentation was a direct result of that meeting and yet the content of his presentation went unpublished or TREATED as if he was the INVISIBLE MAN at this public meeting in the State of Georgia.

He asked the Mayor and Council: “How can disadvantaged businesses (Small Emerging Businesses) prosper if they are ignored or given documents (bids) without addresses, phone numbers, etc? It gives the impression as if someone has already made deals with elected officials prior to the biding process.”

This was another point that is being discussed in our community with great concern. However, our TELEVISION and NEWS PAPER seems uninterested in publishing information to the general public. HOWEVER, I will continue using my blog, handouts and radio to keep citizens informed on UNPUBLISHED ISSUES from the public meetings in the State of Georgia.

We understand that private news media has a right to ignore what is not in their best interest. However there are some of us that respect those people that frequent Wild Adventure, Moody Air Force Base, and Kinderlou Golf Course along with other that visit our community seeking to know. Therefore, I will do my best to keep citizens educated and not ignorant on unpublished issues.

While I appreciate our local News Media for what they do publish for the good of our community. Many citizens are confused as to why they are keeping citizens ignorant. Therefore our community need TELEVISION and NEWS PAPERS that will keep citizens properly informed. God bless American and everybody else.

GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES, Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran, A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

#100-12-2009, Omissions by local press: ,

Citizens to be heard: Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on DECEMBER 10, 2009, at 5:30 PM.

By: Mr. John Robinson (No Response from 1st ADDRESS),

SUBJECT: 2nd Address on Small Disadvantaged and Emerging Businesses

Good Evening Mr. Mayor and Council!

“It’s a beautiful afternoon, what we have seen displayed here this afternoon. It’s a great honor to be here. My name is John Robinson: ADDRESS NOT PUBLISHED HERE.

Response from Mayor John Fretti: “Yes Sir”

I have come here before and I mentioned something about the disparity studies. And this is about the Small Disadvantaged and Emerging Businesses. That is coming up before us as a new project and program. We have had conversations about this at other times. And we did not seem to come to NO agreement through our conversations. But I am here tonight to say that this city is now a METRO CITY. Everybody is aware of that and we do have some problems in this city along racial lines and everything else, and the way we are going to need---to address this as a hold and as a people.

As the man was saying about Dr. King monument, the monument is fine. But we don’t need no monuments, we need jobs. We need power to be shared, and you know this city is set up; with all White structure power. There is no question to that, and we got people in positions that, that’s, that’s councilmen. But we got to realize the facts. Its time now that we got to have some monies and some economic development on other side, the South Side----where we can get something done.

Ah, I met with a man by the name of the Famous physiologists Marvin Dunn from the International University of Miami. NOW! I am practically as you can say----is a no body; but I am somebody. And I want to say this, and it is not a JOKE. And it is not a THREAT---these are FACTS.

We are going to take legal positions. Ah, from the brotherhood of concerned citizens, economic development and on behalf of the Black Business Association. That the word minority is no longer used, therefore we don’t feel---there is no fair shake. There is nothing going to come down this pipe that is fair and we are going to need everybody to get involved, so that we as a city can sit down, and start discussing the issues.

I know the word minority might seem like it is something, and we discuss set asides and stuff like that. But there have NOT been nothing fair about this city, as far as jobs where people can jobs and projects. You see I was a farmer business owner, and I worked for waste management as a vender service since 1983. Ah, the solid waste authority headed out of New York---the owners of MGM Universal studios. And I have done work for half of the State and have did projects up to 2 ½ million dollars. And I ran half the state of Florida as a vender for Waste Management and Refurbishing sanitation equipment as far as being dumpsites, pull off tubs, and other things.

We also have general contractors in our families and you know. I was informed that I didn’t want to work. I have esophageal cancer. And have approximately 3 to 5 years of survival rate to live. My survival rate is .085 percent. And I am dedicating the rest of these days that I do have to promote entrepreneurship.

And I am hoping that this old system, I was informed by business people from this community. Major predominate business folks when we first come here with our companies. I got acquainted with the Langdale Family and Mr. Langdale. I got acquainted with the Copeland’s out there. These are all good and descent people and these are people that dominate in business. And, but, I was also informed NOT by this group of people.

But others that’s predominate people in business here, that this city is run by the good old Boys. This is what I was told and said, that there is NO NEED for your business coming here. Thinking that your guys are going to get involved in a major cooperation because it is NOT going to happen.

They said if you were in Jacksonville or in some other place but not here in Lowndes County Georgia. Because the good old Boys are not going to permit it. And these are people that are involved in real-estate and in other areas of this city.

So I did not believe that, I honestly did not believe that, but now I am convinced. And now we are talking about the disparity study. But ah, the United States Justice Department says that there is something wrong here. And I do believe that we can resolve our own problems. If we got the courage among ourselves to sit down and actually discuss how we got here over the historical period of time. And see if we can get someone to invest on the other side over there where there is no money.

So people can become entrepreneurs. There was a young lady standing in line over here at a place where they were paying light bills. And there were several people over there as common citizens. And they had several degrees in sociology and in other different fields. And these people were Black, saying they had been out there in line since 1:00 AM in the morning.

With 95 % --of the people out there that morning was Black people in their own community. I do believe that if we can sit down, and talk about the ugly issues, the good issues, the bad issues, and come to a resolution. That we can come up with some type of a formulation. That we all can get in the plan and discussion and formulate some form of meaning and real trust between one another. That monies can be divided equally across that old railroad track of social divide. So we can get somewhere that Blacks, Whites, and everybody can benefit.

See here, whether we have the facts. I am not going to take up too much time. But everything from the cost line of Miami Florida to the Canadian line is Patel now. And we are going to be sitting here arguing, and bickering. And then this hold country is going to be owned by foreigners. And those of us, who didn’t get the opportunity to have nothing, will not have anything. And those of us who have something; is going to see it go down the tube. Then its going to be a shame. For us to say, that we as Americans are the ones who suffered in this country-----NOT to have an opportunity.

So if you guys will. Please take under consideration that we need to sit down and talk before litigation gets started. Because I promise you, that it will get started.

Thank you: Response of Mayor John Fretti: Thank you, Mr. Robinson.

#100-12-2009, Omissions by local press:, Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on December 12, 2009 at 5:30 PM. By: (Name Withheld) but can be found in Valdosta City Council Minutes. SUBJECT: Solar Program Research and Request, and Naming a Street after Rev. Martin L. King Jr.

Mr. Mayor and Council, My name is (Not posted). I live at: (withheld) ----I had proposed. That we do a Solar Program.


CITIZENS CONTINUES: Ah, I think I talked to Willie, But I never did get a response back from it. MAYOR responds, who did you talk to? Ah, one of the council members. I don’t think we can directly talk with the council. Ah, I think about 10,000 people die every year in the South Eastern United States from Air Pollution. And it is my situation about it that I have a company, A 21st Century Tele Communication and we are off into renewal Technologies developing content for that particular area. And there are a couple of solar installers here in the city that is going to be working with. But I wanted the city to ask the Department of Energy to become a Solar City. That the basis of why I am here.

RESPONSE FROM MAYOR: Thank you! I appreciate that. I think most of that council agrees. That we are always looking for alternative sources of energy. And in the audience tonight about three or four rolls back on the inside is Brad Lofton. Brad raise your hand. Ah, if you would meet with Brad in a second or after. He will tell you about something very exciting. That we just heard from the governor. And it has to do with Solar Energy, and we are going to be the only one in the State that is going to be doing this. So rather than me going into it. I am going to ask you to talk about it with Brad Lofton. I think you will be very excited about.

CITIZENS CONTINUES: There is one other issue that certain other citizens are concerned about and I am particularly concerned about it. Ah, we put a monument on Dr. King Street or whatever that is that we want to call it. But anyway. My proposal is that, and this is to the city council and to the county. And I will be telling them (county) that in order to get the full gist of Dr. King Legacy. I think we need to do a little bit more.

One of the other things to that. I am thinking about is making Pineville a historical Black College. I think that will help eliminate some of the problems that we have in the city. But getting back to the point just about the Economic Development Component of Dr. King. He did not just live for Black people. He lived for all of us in the United States, and if we make this street in front of the Court House a State Road with Dr. King name going all the way to the interstate that will give us; a great economic development component because people coming to Valdosta. They will see that we have changed and become better citizens towards race relations in this city. That’s my take!

RESPONSE FROM MAYOR. Thank you Sir, and thank you for coming here tonight.